"Ok, boomer" has never sounded sweeter
A version of this post was included in my super-fun weekly email for marketers with tips, tricks and stories. Click here to sign up and never miss out on the fun!
“Perhaps after the pandemic we will appreciate better the profound connection between brilliant, fragile young learners and wise, vulnerable old teachers, and bring grandchildren and grandparents back together again.”
I read an article last week in The Wall Street Journal by Alison Gopnik titled “Why Elders are Indispensable for Us All.” Although quite succinct, it was one of those articles that clung to me, and I have been turning it over in my head ever since.
Throughout evolution, humans—whether they are hunters, gatherers, or businesspeople—tend to reach their peak skillset only once they're well into their 30s. Practice does make perfect.
But, as any parent during this pandemic can tell you, it's so hard to practice a skill when you've got kids hanging all over you and you're trying to teach them at the same time.
Gopnik makes a truly interesting point that this may explain why humans have evolved to live such long lives (especially when our chimpanzee counterparts barely make it to 50): so that the old can teach the young, so that they can transfer their wisdom onto their grandchildren as the parents work to hone their skills and contribute the strongest years of their lives to society.
"When will the virus be over," my 5-year-old asks me about 47 times a day.
I honestly don't know the answer to that question, but one thing I am certain of is that when we can once again stop worrying about vulnerable grandparents and re-establish a connection between our children and their wise old teachers, it'll be a hellova lot easier for us parents to get ANY work done! 🤭